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Re: National news.
« Reply #280 on: July 25, 2013, 07:55:50 pm »
Indeed, Luth,

it's unbelievable how they could exceed the maximum allowed speed by more than 100%. How horrible when all these people were maimed and killed not due to an unforeseeable accident but by plain stupid carelessness.

So sorry about these news!

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Re: National news.
« Reply #281 on: July 26, 2013, 11:28:43 pm »
I'm following the Czech websites specialized in the systems securing the railway traffic, etc. So far it seems that it's system failure together with insufficient securing of the particular railway sector :(

What are the current news?
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #282 on: July 26, 2013, 11:46:00 pm »
I'm following the news too (of course), and the data are confusing. Tomorrow I'll try to summarize what I've read... At the moment, it seems it's partially fault of the driver and insufficient security in that part of the railway.

Tomorrow I'll try to explain what I've gathered...  :unsure:
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Re: National news.
« Reply #283 on: July 27, 2013, 10:43:55 am »
So what are the news, Luth? I heard that the train driver had at first admitted being much too fast but now refuses to say anything...
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Re: National news.
« Reply #284 on: July 27, 2013, 12:20:14 pm »
Yes, the driver doesn't want to make any statement if not to the judge. It seems he has been advised to act that way, as what he says can be used against it. Right now almost everything points him as the one who has the fault... and I suppose it's true, but I prefer to wait. Some years ago it was a terrible accident in the metro in Valencia. A lot of people died, and all the fault was said to be from the driver (who died in the accident). Now we know it's not the truth! The politicians and "great bosses" were interested in the investigation went not further, as there were more responsabilities there, political ones. Thas has been a hot subject just before the train accident, because it has been asked the investigation to be reopened, but there are too many interests not to... So, although I suppose it's mainly the driver's fault, I don't want to judge him, yet.

About the security system, it was supposed to be two: long before the rail bending, if a too fast train is detected, a warning appears to the driver, and he must aknowledge it and reduce speed. It seems the warning worked, but for some reason, the driver didn't reduce. Apart from that, there was a mechanism to force the train to brake, but I've read somewhere it only worked if the train was at more than 200 km/h (and this one "only" was at 190!). I've also read that this rail has several zones, some of high speed, and some old ones. At the moment of constructing the line, there were zones very populated, so they didn't expropiate those zones to avoid any problemes, and made a "high speed... now low speed... now high speed again" track. The tracks were very old there, from Fraco's time! Of course, the zone of the accident is an old and close bending track after a long new straight-for-a-lot-of-kilometers zone. The train could go to 200 or more and break 4 km before the curve, to 80-90 km/h. For some reason, it didn't.

It's also said that the train was arriving 5 minutes late... what could have compelled the driver to go faster. Faster... but 190 instead of 90???? And there's a second driver: how's that the second one didn't pulled the brakes if the first one didn't? There are too many questions, and, sadly, I'm not sure they'll be answered. I know too much what happens in that kind of accident. I don't know if they are, but if any politician has any responsability (lack of money, interests in avoiding problems when the line was made, a dangerous bending because of saving money...), nothing will really happen to them. No one will have to resign, no one will go to court (and if they do, they will be declared innocent).

I'm sorry for my pessimism... but lately I can't see anything good in great politicians...   :-(
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Re: National news.
« Reply #285 on: July 27, 2013, 03:44:05 pm »
Whoa! That´'s some wild stuff, especially about the second driver. I do understand that this is upsetting you badly.

Let's hope that some courageous attorney or journalist will bring the true reasons to light and that those in charge learn something from this catastrophe. Meanwhile it's still utterly sad to think about the victims.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #286 on: July 27, 2013, 04:03:02 pm »
Yes, it is  :ninja:

Even in those terrible accidents, there's always some happy history: today, I've read of a family travelling in the vagon which "jumped" and was all burned. There were the couple, a young boy and a baby of 40 days. Miraculously, all of them survived, even though they were in the vagon which suffered the worse.

Of course, there are a lot of sad stories too... but let's stick to the "happy" ones...
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Re: National news.
« Reply #287 on: July 28, 2013, 09:25:20 am »
Thank you for sharing, Luthy! I'm sorry for the victims and involved people. :( Let's hope the responsibles do something to avoid such sad events!

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Re: National news.
« Reply #288 on: August 31, 2013, 09:51:26 pm »
Hey folks,

just a minor sidenote, but worth mentioning in my opinion: In Germany there have been protests against the show "The Wall" with which Roger Waters is touring. The protests were because Waters uses fascist-looking outfits and an inflatable pig with a Magen David. Umm... hello? Have you ever taken a look at the story of this work? In the light of this story, these protests are ridiculous, don't you think?


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Re: National news.
« Reply #289 on: August 31, 2013, 10:31:16 pm »
By "The Wall" do you mean the movie about Pink Floyd?? If so... I'm sorry, but have the protesters watched the movie?? I've done (only recently... only half a year ago!), and it's all a very long video clip which is making a criticism to a lot of things... fascism among them!  :blink:
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Re: National news.
« Reply #290 on: September 01, 2013, 05:35:47 am »
Not the movie, Luth, but a live-show - based on the same story, the same concept album. So yes, we're talking about the same thing. How can one accuse this of promoting fascist ideas?

Cheers, anyway!

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Re: National news.
« Reply #291 on: September 01, 2013, 10:30:03 am »
Well... let's me see... Certain visual aesthetic toguether with ignorance and denial to watch the thing you're criticising?  :ninja:
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Re: National news.
« Reply #292 on: September 01, 2013, 07:16:22 pm »
I'd say Germany is very much sensitive to this theme. It does not want to be accused of being fasci and nazi anymore... but this is ridiculous.
But then again, who does.

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Re: National news.
« Reply #293 on: September 01, 2013, 07:36:33 pm »
And about two weeks ago, the Russian government wanted to deny Sabaton (everybody's favorite war-themed power metal group that opened for Therion in 2007) entry into Russia for being a "Nazi band".
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Re: National news.
« Reply #294 on: September 10, 2013, 08:33:58 pm »

Tomorrow it's the Catalonia National Day ("La Diada"), and a long human chain is planned. At 17.14h (because we "commemorate" the Catalan defeat at the Borbonic troops at 1714) a human chain made by anyone who wish to join will cross all Catalonia. 400 Km from North to South. It's the case that the chain covers one of our national roads, and this one crosses my city. Of course, I'll be there!

I usually don't talk too much about the wish for Catalan independence, but I do from time to time. Some time ago, not far away, I didn't think this was the solution, but circumstances change, and I now think and feel differently. I know there'll be a gigaphoto and I suppose I'll be able to download the part of it where I'll be standing. Of course, I'll share here!  :ninja:

Btw... I've known of a website that can be useful for you!!

The web "Help Catalonia".

It's made in different languages (English and German among them), and it's made to help foreigners to know and understand a little better who we are and why.  :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

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Re: National news.
« Reply #295 on: September 21, 2013, 11:20:00 am »
So, Luth,

did you join the human chain? What was it like for you? It made it to the German news, by the way.


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Re: National news.
« Reply #296 on: September 21, 2013, 12:36:30 pm »
Yes, of course I was!! I'll show you soon the picture... When I have the official one!

I know the chain was present in a lot of news from all over the world... the question is, how important were they? I mean, I suppose in the greater part of countries, it must have been a tiny news in the international section, I imagine... How about Germany?

I must confess that I went to some international newspapers (on-line), and sometimes the readers comments are in the way of "what the f*** want those Catalans? Are they crazy? They must assume they are a part of Spain and stop trying to split up!". In "Die Welt", I think it was, I used Google translator, and the comments are mainly from this perpective, and from Spanish (not Catalan) people talking bad about the chain and about our wish of independence. I got rather depressed after reading the comments  :bawl: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

Ok, I could write a lot about it, about the day and about why I was not an independentist some time ago, and now I am... and I'll explain you if you wish to know further. But for now, I leave the topic, as I'm hungry and I must feed myself!  :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:

PS. If you have any particular question, about me or about all the affair, you can ask. I'll answer as truthfully as I can...  :spock:
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Re: National news.
« Reply #297 on: February 24, 2014, 09:19:28 pm »
Yesterday I posted in the shoutbox about something it had just happened... and I promised to explain today. Ok, perhaps this link will help me to explain it...

I didn't know the documentary was on air, until I saw in Facebook everybody commenting about it and its content. I had to change the channel, so I watched the "documentary" quite from the middle... even so, I believed it until the end, when the explanation was written.

How I felt? Well... there's some people who think this is a stupid thing to do, and other that Évole is a genius. I think that his "experiment" is important, although I suppose he mainly wanted to get more people watching his programme...

First of all: how did almost everybody believed such an unbelievable tale? Because people thinks very poorly of our politicians (yes, me too), and we suppose similar things would have happened and we never realize.

Secondly... It shows how easy is to lie and be believed. We must doubt of everything before taking it for granted. But we usually don't.

Third... Ok, yes, I felt a little like that people long time ago, when they believed what Orson Wells was telling them: that the aliens were attacking us. Only that, for a moment, I thought (I hoped) that this documentary was going to be the end of the monarchy, as it was stated that the King was fully aware of the fake coup, and used it. Unluckily, he's still in his golden throne...
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Re: National news.
« Reply #298 on: February 25, 2014, 01:06:21 am »
Ahhh, now I understand your comments, Luth!

Well, indeed, this is funny. Especially in times of zapping, where people only watch pieces of a show... :lol3:

But of course I also see the serious points you mentioned. Yeah, it says something when people are easily ready to assume that their politicians have cheated them this badly! And yeah, it raises interesting and important questions about media and truth.

Thank you for sharing this! It hasn't made it to the German news yet...


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Re: National news.
« Reply #299 on: April 07, 2014, 11:40:54 am »
We had Parlament elections yesterday. Well, there was no real choice. :( But I find really funny that my vote has been cast to one party, that managed to get a total of 13 votes in my village. :lol3: