Not "national" in the wide sense, but in the smaller one: Catalonia. For once, I really feel proud of being Catalan. Every year the Catalan TV (TV3) makes a long programme to get money for investigation. Each year the money is collected to investigate some kind of disease, and almost every year they get more money than the previous one. I't's a money really well invested, and the themes had been several: psychic disease, cancer, AIDS, rare diseases... This year, the subject has been acquired mental and medulary injuries. The programme lasts 15 hours more or less, talking about the particular disease, bringing there people who suffers from it, musical performances, etc.
Ok, this year they made an absolute record about money collection. In this crisis year, very hard for so many people, they got (for now, as they can get more yet) more than 7.000.000 euros. All through particular people calling to the programme, preparing musical shows or performances or games or whatever to collect the money... I think it's incredible... We are, more or less, 7 million Catalans, and we can collect several more times than some similar experiences tried in the national TV. And Catalan people have the fame to be avaricious

I think that's a really good point of my little community, and I wanted to share it with you. For me, I didn't give money through the telephones, but I bought the CD made for it, I was given the book made for it, and we payed for a local lottery made for it. Very small contribution, but what is this without thousand of small contributions?

Think about 9 million euros (it may reach this quantity at the end of the year) dedicated to investigate an important disease... I don't know how much the Government invest to that, but I'm sure it's (at least morally) more important contribution than anything.