It's morning and you're hungry as hell.
The first thought that comes to mind when you open your eyes is that you could go with a nice order of Chiles Rellenos. You remember you had a party last night (the hangover hits you like a hundred-pound primadona on caffeine) so you reach under the bed and take out two chillies. You roll over to the fridge, find some cheese under it and some eggs inside, and you grab some lice and a few beers.
You forget it's supposed to be rice and beens, but that's severe hangover for you.
You mix it together and take a big bite.
What you didn't know is that, on top of everything else, the chillies were way past their expiration date (if chillies even have those... even if they don't *theme from the Twilight Zone*).
You chew the food, but it doesn't taste quite right, so you leave it more or less uneaten on the kitchen sink, near the window. You sit down because, suddenly, you don't feel so good... luckily, right at that moment a crazed puma jumps through the window, drawn by the scent of the would-be meal. He takes a bite out of the sandwich, but soon barfs in disgust. Seeing as he couldn't indulge his appetite on the sandwich, he turns to you. He roars, and you get a headache 'cause, damn, that was some mean party last night.
He roars again, and you feel your head's about to burst... when it suddenly does.
You'd wove you'll never drink beer again, but you can't, can you? The moral of the story is - alcohol kills.
Next up: Making tofu. That stuff can kill you.