OK, Let's face it. Although I'm a football freak, I just cannot understand how somebody from country X can "support" a team from country Y. Let's say a Colombian supporting Chelsea...(for example). But, I can perfectly understand somebody hating a team from another country. Let's say...

... oh! wath the hell, a Colombian (ME) hating AC Milan.
They have one the best teams in the world and play one of the ugliest football in the planet.... and the worst!. They win almost always in the last minute and usually against teams with less talent but who play better. Oh! and the cherry at the top of the sunday: Silvio Berlusconi is the owner.
Yes, I'm pissed off because Milan is (again) in the Champions League semi-final after two last minute goals (again) and after playing horrible (again!) against a team who deserved to win (again!).
OK, that's all... end of my holiganism display.
Thanks for your comprehension and have a nice evening. :mellow: