Hi folks,
I think everything has its place:
Chat: Ideal for chatting.
Ideal for short and short-lived stuff of no great importance. The trouble here is that you have to be online simultaneously.
Posting: Ideal for anything that can go into detail or that would be nice to have around for a longer while. So serious and informative topics belong here, but also fun-topics can be better in the forum. You just have more space and take more time to post, so you can let your fantasy go much wilder. For instance, the Invocation of Capra wouldn't have been half this much fun if it had taken place in the shoutbox only, where everything must be said in one or two lines.
Shoutbox: In between the two. As limited in space as the chat, but slightly more persistent. And always around when you post, anyway.
That much on NTSMS media theory.
I'm not saying we shouldn't use the shoutbox. I'm just saying that some things go better in the forum, and we should remember that so we can pick the best of everything. Hell, what I'd like most is a humming forum AND a humming shoutbox AND frequent chats! (Though I must admit I visit the official Therion chat more often. I can use any program I like to access it, and I can see Seph and Franz there. Beside that, it's the actual birthplace of NTSMS.
) So post and shout until your fingers hurt!