They played The Siren

and it sounded great! And the snow started falling at the end of Nemo, that was the best thing I have ever seen at concert, the fire efects were great too and some other thing that fell from the "sky". I am not going to write concert review, I just wanted to say a few things. You can check videos from you tube, but that is not even close to the feeling of being there. Too bad that Pain played only a few songs cause they were great.
Too bad the weather was really bad that day, it was raining and then snowing and raining again, the last thing I remember were the big snowflakes!

Next time I come to Ljubljana I have to go to that big hill on which is some kind of fortress in the middle of the city. Lucky, we found some really nice place to eat and drink. They actually have hot-dogs called enocevka (single barrel) and dvocevka (double barrel)

And park surrounding Hala Tivoli seems nice, too bad it wasn't sunny.