Rock Goddess - Heavy Metal Rock 'n' Roll
Man, where are the girls like
this in today's metal?!

I forgot that I knew this song too - another first listen in 24 years, and it's as fresh as the first time I heard it.
Listening to Rock Goddess... they've got so much spirit, and they just give me the impression that they would ram their axes down the faces of today's anonymous girl-singers.

And they write & play proper metal too! and the drummer was only 15 when this was recorded!

And her drumming is ace! And the record is fun and raw!
Maybe it's just coz I'm getting old, but I gotta say
Rock Goddess and
Girlschool totally kick the asses of all other girls in metal ever! Coz they did it all themselves.
It's better than love, it's better than sex,
When I get the chance I always say yes,
It don't break my heart, it don't let me down,
And furthermore it don't play around,
It's there when I want, and it don't kiss and tell,
And always... it's hotter than hell,
And we never fight....'s waiting for me every night... gives me everything I like...
Heavy Metal Rock 'n' Roll!
Heavy Metal Rock 'n' Roll!