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Offline TheOFFman

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2007, 02:35:41 pm »
Offy: I know you are gonna see Ensiferum in a couple of weeks, and if you get the same quallity (excepting for the sound of course) that I had last night, your money is more than well spent. :thumbup:

Haha, thanks for mentioning that! Could you please write the set-list? And how long did they play?

Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #141 on: November 14, 2007, 05:50:07 pm »
There you go Offy... it was something like this:

Ad Victoriam (intro)
Blood Is The Price Of Glory
Token Of Time
Tale Of Revenge
Hero In A Dream
Treacherous Gods
Lai Lai Hei
One More Magic Potion
The New Dawn
Victory Song
Guardians Of Fate
Battle Song

They played for an hour an a half, may be a little bit more.

Oh!... and now that I'm writing here. Last night a couple of friends and I went to Montréal to see Behemoth (yes, again!). Although I'll never get bored to see this band live, especially the drumer, I was a little bit disapointed last night 'cause they played essentially the same setlist than on the Demigod tour... excepting for 3 songs from their new album. I would have liked to hear some different songs from their previous realeses but well... all in all, it was a solid show with a very good sound and very engaged crowd. Cheers again to Nergal and the other Christian grinders :cheers:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #142 on: November 17, 2007, 05:50:14 pm »
Thank you Aluqak!

Offline Sirius13

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #143 on: November 17, 2007, 06:51:27 pm »
On Thursday I saw Heaven & Hell, Lamb of God and Iced Earth in Nottingham.

First up was Iced Earth - they were ok, and it was a good vocal performance from Tim Owens.  I like Iced Earth, but overall I find them highly over-rated and a bit  dull.  Stage vibe and presence was sadly non-existant.

Then there was Lamb of God - they had a longer set, which is a shame because I think they're extremely over-rated.  The best bit was watching the mosh pit get into a crazy whirlpools, with a single solitary 'banger in the middle.  I find the hardcore-ish vocals annoying.  The performance was tight, but the songs are mostly shite.

Then we got the main act - Heaven and Hell - I was curious to see this line up again, I last saw them in 1992, and I wondered how it would all hang together now that they're so damn old!  But I need not have had any fears, they are all still fucking excellent!!  Dio is still a god!  His voice was still up to all of this material, and he delivered a truly engaging energetic performance.  Tony Iommi is, of course THE guitar god of metal, and he & Geezer Butler were on top form, as they have been every single time I've ever seen 'em.

The songs from this line up are so fucking good!  They've stood the test of time so well, and make for a truly entertaining and varied set.  The set list was shorter than on some parts of the tour (could've done with less Lamb of God!!), but it didn't matter, we got all the classics from the Dio era.  One thing I forgot is just how good a drummer Vinnie Appice is, when it came to the drum solo I thought "oh, here we go, a drum solo..." , but it kinda swept me up and got fiercer and fiercer until it completely blew me away! Respect to Vinnie - he is a class act.

Set list was:

Mob Rules
Children Of The Sea
Sign Of The Southern Cross
Computer God
Falling Off The Edge Of The World
Die Young
Heaven And Hell
Neon Knights

voces muy confusas entran en la mente!!!

Offline Ereshkigal

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #144 on: November 18, 2007, 03:21:55 pm »
Lucky you! Glad you enjoyed!

And I see you decided to take your camara w/ you!  :thumbup:

I did not go to the Dark Funeral concert, some inconveniences :(

Seems that we are not going to have any international concerts in the upcoming months because Iron Maiden is coming to Costa Rica in February. Apparently promoters have agreed to have no more big concerts so that people can save and attend to the Maiden show.

Dunno if I can make it to CR. Hopefully I will, that is going to be one hell of a concert! a dreamed one  ^_^

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #145 on: November 18, 2007, 04:07:22 pm »
I finally decided to post in this topic. :ninja:
The H&H review... Man, even if they're old, they still rock!
I'd love to see them after reading that review.
As for myself... Should I give a full report on the Coffee House I performed in? :lol3:
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Offline Jo Ta Erre

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #146 on: November 21, 2007, 12:21:17 am »
On Thursday I saw Heaven & Hell, Lamb of God and Iced Earth in Nottingham.

First up was Iced Earth - they were ok, and it was a good vocal performance from Tim Owens.  I like Iced Earth, but overall I find them highly over-rated and a bit  dull.  Stage vibe and presence was sadly non-existant.

Then there was Lamb of God - they had a longer set, which is a shame because I think they're extremely over-rated.  The best bit was watching the mosh pit get into a crazy whirlpools, with a single solitary 'banger in the middle.  I find the hardcore-ish vocals annoying.  The performance was tight, but the songs are mostly shite.

Then we got the main act - Heaven and Hell - I was curious to see this line up again, I last saw them in 1992, and I wondered how it would all hang together now that they're so damn old!  But I need not have had any fears, they are all still fucking excellent!!  Dio is still a god!  His voice was still up to all of this material, and he delivered a truly engaging energetic performance.  Tony Iommi is, of course THE guitar god of metal, and he & Geezer Butler were on top form, as they have been every single time I've ever seen 'em.

The songs from this line up are so fucking good!  They've stood the test of time so well, and make for a truly entertaining and varied set.  The set list was shorter than on some parts of the tour (could've done with less Lamb of God!!), but it didn't matter, we got all the classics from the Dio era.  One thing I forgot is just how good a drummer Vinnie Appice is, when it came to the drum solo I thought "oh, here we go, a drum solo..." , but it kinda swept me up and got fiercer and fiercer until it completely blew me away! Respect to Vinnie - he is a class act.

Set list was:

Mob Rules
Children Of The Sea
Sign Of The Southern Cross
Computer God
Falling Off The Edge Of The World
Die Young
Heaven And Hell
Neon Knights

Oh what a LUCKY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

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Offline Sirius13

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #147 on: November 21, 2007, 09:03:50 pm »
The old gits did do a splendid job, considering that they're teetering on the brink of death!  :biggrin:

(oh, the irony of this line up performing 'Die Young'!!  :lol:  - but I do love 'em, of course)
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Offline Aluqak

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #148 on: November 22, 2007, 09:53:18 pm »
Man, lucky you... I missed my chance to see them this summer (I wasn't in town the day of the show). The only thing barely similar to Sabbath I've had lately is the cover from Black Sabbath that Vader did last tuesday.  :-\ ... but hey it was a nice cover!.

This week I've seen two shows, the last metal shows of the year. Tuesday we had Vader in town. That show turned out to be a bit of a bluff because they were supposed to come with Malevolent Creation, but the guys from MC were not allowed to cross the border (something to do with a criminal record). Anyway, the show itself was very good. Vader kicks major ass live. They played a very solid setlist, the sound was good ... and the bassist.... man!! :bow: The only bad point (other than the absence of MC) was that they played only an hour. So at the end were all looking like... :blink: ... what? that's all?

Yesterday we had the big bluff of the year. Rotting Christ was in town and I was eager to see them 'cause I absolutely love their last album. So, after a couple of beers a friend and I went to the venue and.... :blink: ... there 22 people inside. Have you ever dreamed of having a private show? well, that's what we got yesterday. Fortunately, the guys from Rotting Christ were very professional and did a complete setlist, very well performed and with only a minor problem in one of the guitars (they had to change it during one of the songs). But man, the ambience wasn't there at all. We were in the up front with my friend doing our part, but the look in Sakis face said it all, the guy was very disapointed... Coming all the way from f*cking Greece to do a show before a 24 people crowd! Anyway, that's the way it is, and I'm still happy to have see them live. They are just as good as I thought they were.

Alright that's all for me this year. If I would have to give a price for the best show I've seen in 2007, it would go to Therion without hesitation. Second place would be shared between Ensiferum and Kataklysm, and the bronze would go to Moonsorrow.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 09:57:15 pm by Aluqak »
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Offline Loke

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #149 on: December 05, 2007, 05:20:15 am »

  I promise you an awesome Maiden review just have to wait another three months that's all , but it ll be worthy hehehehe

  yo yo yo
Scripta Manet

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #150 on: December 05, 2007, 10:34:00 pm »
Last saturday we went to the Bergara´s sold out Apocalyptica´s gig. The band openning the show, Lacrimas Profundere, sound very well, but the songs were a bit boring for me; there are hundreds of bands making the same thing. The singer look like a mix of HIM´s and The Hot Dogs! (a basque rock band) singers.
That was my fifth Apocalyptica´s show. Maybe too many. I really like their first three albums, and i must confess that i haven´t heard too much the last ones. When Apocalyptica appeared, the crowd was very hot. They played an hour and a half and people enjoyed the show. I only recognize three or four songs from the set list, and we haven´t drum solo this time (a pity). So, my last Apocalyptica show i think.
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #151 on: December 20, 2007, 05:17:15 am »

  I promise you an awesome Maiden review just have to wait another three months that's all , but it ll be worthy hehehehe

  yo yo yo

i hope to be there as well, if things goes better at that time

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #152 on: January 25, 2008, 10:32:00 am »
I don’t know if this counts as a concert, but I saw Tannhäuser twice recently. :biggrin: And I listened to a lecture on Richard Strauss – his music is so ”prog”! :o

Yesterday I went to a concert of a Hungarian band called ”City of Moon”. This is what ”Opeth” means. ;) Yes, they are an Opeth tribute band, and they are surprisingly good! Since Opeth visits my city so rarely, it’s difficult to see them live, and this band is my only occasion to hear their songs in a concert.

As I already explained to OFFy (who told me that Opeth’s music is sooo depressive), I have a different sensation while listening to this music at home or in a concert. At home it’s terribly sad, desperate, still beautiful and comforting. In a concert the sheer brutality of the music is almost blowing me off... and I find it extremely powerful. And I’m talking about the very same music. :)

I like this Hungarian band, because I see that they aren’t covering Opeth because of the predictable success but because they love this music. :) And I like the nicely interpreted guitar solos. (Sometimes played with the aid of a small spoon. :biggrin:)

The setlist was more or less this (I’m not sure about the order of the songs):

(a little part of ”The Drapery Falls” as tuning)
Ghost of Perdition
Bleak :wub:
The Great Conjuration
Blackwater Park :wub: :wub:
To Bid You Farewell
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 10:34:52 am by Lucy »

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #153 on: February 01, 2008, 07:52:21 pm »
I went to the musical "Das Phantom Der Oper" here in Berlin couple of days ago. Unfortunately it was not Webber's one but some German, of some guy called Gerber... in German... although I had problems to understand the text and although I did not hear the tittle song I still had a great time! :thumbup: There were some really nice songs there and the vocalist were extraordinary too. A song going something like this:

"Die Nacht wird Raum, der Raum wird Klang..."

got stuck into my head for days! :blink: A good job did that guy... :ninja: Whenever that Spanish Primadonna Lady Carlotta appeared on the stage I was like this :roll: Jeez, that's what I call a diva... I hope Tarja won't become like that one day! :afaid:

Btw I bought the cheapest ticket so I was supposed to be completely behind, but when the lights went out I've spotted a free place 15 rows to the front and I quietly sneaked in... :fish:


I guess that if you like bands like Nightwish, Leave's eyes or any other group built around an almost operatic female voice you might want to check them out... you will probably like them.

Nightwish does not have operatic female voice anymore... :'( Not even almost operatic (like Epica for example)... :ninja: Actually they are very far from opera, something like Heavy Metal Britney Spears if you know what I mean... :tongue:
« Last Edit: February 04, 2008, 06:05:54 pm by NeMo »
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #154 on: February 15, 2008, 03:11:57 am »

  Just one week to Maiden's hehehehehehehehehe im sooooooooooo happy to see them again

  yo yo yo
Scripta Manet

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #155 on: February 15, 2008, 07:42:44 pm »
Just booked tickets for Death Angel on April 18th  :yeha:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #156 on: February 17, 2008, 12:31:27 pm »
Saw Iron Maiden on February 10th.

Acer Arena, Sydney.

Lauren Harris opened up.  Very abrupt and punctual start at 7:30 for her.  None of the songs were particularly exciting, although there was one power-metal-like solo which was pretty good.  The highlight of her performance was Steve Harris, himself, coming on stage to play the bass on a lack-lustre piece, which was, like this performance, entirely forgettable.  I feel bad for the bassist who was, clearly, pushed out of the band for Harris.  The track is downloadable, apparently, off of her website.  Fire and Ice?  Or something like that.  She (and the rest of the unnamed band) clearly has talent, but her material is not all that original or groundbreaking.  She did make an effort at incorporating the audience, and got some of the people closer to the stage up and clapping. 

Around 8:15 (I think?) Behind Crimson Eyes came on the stage.  Well, I can't really form an opinion of this band.  They came and played, didn't blow me away, but had some decent songs in their repertoire.  Some of the sites I've checked out (primarily to find out more about who they are!) said their performance was pretty sub-par and that they were booed off the stage.  Well, they reminded me of a local Bullet for my Valentine.  Frankly, it's nice to see some support from Iron Maiden for a local band.  Were they a bit generic?  Yes.  Were they talented?  I'd say so, I've heard worse covers (they covered Ace of Spades).  I dunno if they were appropriate for fronting Maiden, but they weren't that bad.

Well, around 9:00 the lights dimmed and on came UFO's 'Doctor, Doctor.'  It was pretty incredible knowing THE Iron Maiden would be coming on the stage in any second.  The air was dense with anticipation, By now the stage was pretty much revealed.  I was sitting on the balcony, to the right of the band, with a large TV screen to my left.  Well, after Doctor, Doctor another recording came on, this time 'Transylvania.'   By now I was, practically, MOIST with anticipation and when Churchill's Speech came on I was pumped.  The band came on in their usual fashion, full of energy.  I've cut and pasted the set-list:

01. Intro - Churchill's Speech / Aces High
02. 2 Minutes To Midnight
03. Revelations
04. The Trooper
05. Wasted Years
06. The Number Of The Beast
07. Run To The Hills
08. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
09. Powerslave
10. Heaven Can Wait
11. Can I Play With Madness?
12. Fear Of The Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Moonchild
15. The Clairvoyant
16. Hallowed Be Thy Name

A couple of highlights:

"Did you all have a good Sunday?  Go to church?  Are you familiar with the good book? I'm talking about, REVELATIONS!"

He talked about Ornithology for the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which was incredible.

The mask came out for Powerslave

The Somewhere in Time Eddie came out during Iron Maiden, strutting around the stage.  Janick got him to 'play' the guitar as he pointed his gun around the room. 

Naturally, I was singing along like an idiot.  The people around me must've wanted to throttle me.  It was an INCREDIBLE show.  Everyone was spot on.  A couple of errors, but nothing unprofessional, and nothing that ruined the experience.  I would've liked to see some more stuff from Somewhere in Time, but none of them seem to appreciate how awesome that album is. . .

Anyways, it was Frickin' IRON MAIDEN!  So, I mean, wow.

~The (Iron'd) Cretin~

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #157 on: February 17, 2008, 06:18:36 pm »
Nice review, Cretin! :thumbup:
I wish I could go and see Iron Maiden, rumors said they would come here, but no way, TIV! :verymad:
But well, at least we know that Dream Theater is coming some time soon... Maybe I'll go see them? :unsure:
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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #158 on: February 20, 2008, 05:55:32 pm »
Thanks for this nice and spontaneous review! :thumbup:
I Miskolc!

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Re: Concert reviews
« Reply #159 on: February 20, 2008, 06:11:36 pm »
@IronCretin: Nice review! Hmm..when I saw them last year..Lauren was also performing and she seemd to me quite good! Lots of energy, cool voice. She's on a good way! About Maiden need to comment their show! They are always incredible! I'm glad you loved the show! :)
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