Yesterday I saw, heard and felt Therion.
I should point out that the sound was less than preferable - not to the point of ruining the experience, but the guitars were pushed over the vocals, and only the drums were completely audible. The sound crew will burn in a special part of Hell for this.
That aside, they didn't rock my world... they mountained it.
I couldn't believe the proficiency with which they performed their songs - Christofer was totally immersed into the music and threw himself mercilessly to and fro, Kristian played solo with remarkable ease and got more than one applause, Karlsson showed off

, Snowy was precious

(not in a cute and fluffy way, mind), jumping around, doing faces and trying to either swallow his big hammer (nothing kinky here, really) or wham Kristian with it while the man was soloing.
Mats.... MATS! Mats. mats. matS. mAts. maTs. Mats!
The two female vocals with them were great. The cuter one was totally immersed into her own dream-world where she was the dominatrix of the entire crowd and we were all there for her sexual pleasure.
What? Judging by the faces she made, I'm not that far off.
The other one was more natural. They were both amazing in what they did.
As I've said, I couldn't believe how perfectly they played everything - the sound system notwithstanding.
Of course they played Birth of Venus Illegitima. Of course they played The rise of Sodom and Gomorrah.
But ye gods! They played Deggial.
The first two-three songs I was reserved, the way I usually am. I don't jump around, I don't wave my member at other people - I just sit back and enjoy the music.
But after Deggial... *during* Deggial.... When that final part came into play, I was mercilessly thrown into the fray by my own emotions (the traitorous bastards).
And Lemuria

And everything

np Nightside of Eden
Christofer told us at the end that we were the best audience on the tour so far, but I suppose he tells that to all his audiences. Did make us blush, though.