Author Topic: Strange couples  (Read 5537 times)

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Offline Luth

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Strange couples
« on: March 13, 2005, 11:34:39 am »
This may be fun. Which are the strange couples that you know about? I know some...

-Both are friends of mine. He is a very radical guy in some of his ideas; he was a punk in his old times. On the other hand, his wife is (almost literally) a hippie. Punk + hippie! :lol:

-She is a Colombian woman, and he is from Austria. Both are living in Barcelona. He, the Austiac guy, plays in a "flamenco fussion" band!

-Two lovely women, maybe in his sixties. It's no official, but everyone imagines that they are a couple. No very usual in people of her age.

Who do you know? :lol:
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Strange couples
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2005, 07:06:45 pm »

I knew this one coulple that the guy was 42 and the girl was 17  :mellow:

I met them, and they seemed pretty much inloved. But almost everyone opposed to their relationship, because of the age.

You couls tell by just looking the age difference. But at the end they won, he took her to live with her when she reached the proper age and I've heard that now they live happy in one of the most beautiful parts of Guatemala.

I did also thought it was kinda an abnormal couple.  :mellow: