Thanks! After the hard work, I managed to only commit one (really bad
) mistake.
I suppose for native speakers it might be hard to imagine what is for a learner to try a correct text... it's like a puzzle!! When I did Latin, back at Highschool, I thought it was like a puzzle, because there are cases, and you had to know what case was every element and then put it all together according to that. I was mistaken... Latin was easy!! Try German!! Really, it's a pain in the ass:
For a simple sentence you have to know the genre of the noun; then, know what function it has to use Nominative, Acusative or Dative (not Genitive for us yet). If you doubt between Accusative and Dative you think about the function, right... and when you know it, then you realize there's a preposition there!! Ok, look out what case follows that preposition... ok, I already know. But... what was the genre? I've already forgotten!! Ok, I already know the genre and the case, that's good, I have a lot! A lot? No!! I want to use the Past Perfect, but I don't know what form that verb takes... Ok, I've looked for it and I already know. Now, what type of verb is it? Separable or not? Ok, I already know... ARG! It's reflexive!! (just studied those!
). Where have I to put the "dich"? Or is it "dir"? Ok, ok, I already know! Now it's all easy: put the subject and the verb where they belong, don't forget to change the order if there's an adverb first ("Heute habe ich", not "Heute ich habe"), put any adjective or adverb needed, don't forget any article (was it masculine, feminine or neutral?) and the correct case, and... voilà!!!
Easy as making an omelette!!!