About NTSMS > New Members
I should have done this earlier but i had some really busy days here and probably more to come..so i guess this is the moment to drop by and say hello.
I'm just another Therion fan, in love with their music, lyrics and the whole concept that makes you unable to get bored of tired of listening. There are quite a few Therion fans here ..we managed to be around 1000 at their concert this year, but there are no communities and hardly exchange opinions.
..so ..here I am ... :)
The first therion song i have heard was Lemuria. I listened to it over and over again each time finding it better, newer... Then i searched other songs and albums and ... :) its what you call instant love. I found out that although it was new, their song were so familiar... so perfect through their complexity. The lyrics actually have a deep meaning and the more you try to understand them the more you fall in love with the songs.
I have studied a long time history of religions because i had to and it became one of my passions. Many of the myths in therion songs are familiar and their approach never stops to amaze me.
Thats enough..if i continue here..there will be nothing left to be said :) Good to be here and I hope to get to know you all better.
Have a great start for this week!
Hi Gevurah! :)
Nice to meet You! I hope You will keep an eye on the forum when You have just a little bit time, we will be happy to see You around and exchange the opinions ;)
Hello Gevurah :wOOt:
Welcome to NTSMS! :yeha:
Glad to see new member in NTSMS (Well, I was also a new member, a few days earlier :nosweat:)
Enjoy! :wub:
Jo Ta Erre:
Welcome Gevurah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome, Gevurah! :)
You'll find that this is a great place to talk about the music of Therion, about their lyrics and about a great number of both Therion-related and unrelated topics. Have fun! :)
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