About NTSMS > New Members
Hello!I'm new here~
Hello everyone!
I'm new here so I had been reading the existed posts to get familiar with this forum:)
the self-introduce:
A student From China, new fan of Therion
Before I getting know of Therion, I began to learn Swedish by myself out of the love to Swedish Music :lol:
(Well, I knew there were not so many swedish words in Therion's lyrics :biggrin:)
You know that in fact Therion has not release any albums in the mainland of China, but the exchange between music lovers always make their ways :whistle:
The first time I heard Therion's song is in a music festival in my university in June. One band played the son of the sun and an arrow from the sun. I thought I was shocked directly. They did a good job and I was eagar to know who made such music?
After that music festival I searched these songs and things about Therion. And after watching some vedio and some parts of live on YouTube, I brought Live Gothic through agency. These DVD and CDs undergoed a soooooooooooo long journey to arrive at my hand. And I kept watching the DVD again and again that I knew there must be madness. :lol:
These are all old songs and old albums, but these are all new experience to me.
I wish someday Nuclear Blast will consider more in Asia market, although there is not so many people there know about Symphonic Metal :cht2:
Or maybe one day I will go to Europe to watch their live :wOOt:
So, glad to know Therion from an far away country, and glad to join there to share love and feelings :wub:
(Wow, my first post is sooooooooooo long :thumbup:)
Welcooome! :yeha:
Congrats for finding Therion in a so far away land. :) You know, there is no turning back anymore! :lol: Feel free to post a lot, enjoy your stay here!
In which part of China are you living?
The One:
Heya! Welcome to NTSMS.
All I have to say is post as much as you please.
Here, have a cookie!
Welcome, Monade! :)
Nice to have you here. Indeed, from which part of China are you?
Oh, and I have to say that your English is very good!
Now, that's a great way to discover Therion, hearing a cover of one of their songs live. :thumbup: Forgive me, please, when it makes me smile to read that you consider the songs from " Live Gothic" as old. To me, old Therion is the stuff before Theli... :lol3:
Anyway, welcome again, and post as much as you please!
Wellcome Monade!! :welcome:
Yay! It's fantastic! It migh have been difficult for you to discover Therion, but once you did... as it has been said above, there's no turning back!b :insane:
I'm curious about the band that made a cover of "Sun of the sun" and "An arrow from the sun"... I never heard a cover of a Therion song, more the other way. What's its name? Is it possible to find anywhere on the net their music? :wOOt:
And about your English... well, my beginnings were A LOT worse. Therion made the change, believe me!!
PS. One, your cookie almost hits my eye out of the screen :chair:
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