Author Topic: Alohaa!  (Read 6472 times)

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Offline Manolo

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« on: May 16, 2010, 09:23:08 pm »
Hello people!
I saw a website announcing a south american tour for therion, so I entered the website to checkout the dates (surprise, no bolivia again...), but since I already was on the website I decided I should check out the community, where I saw some people were inkoving me to post here and some happy birthday messages from last year...  Shame on me. I should have checked them out earlier...
But thanks to everyone for their messages, even if it`s a year late (If someone complained for being a week late for my bday, think again)

For those who asked about it, I regret to announce to all Galvorn fans (if any left) that it is no longer my first priority, nor it will be anymore.
We have had some internal and external problems. Too much problems, too close one from the next one... and we just stopped having that energy vibe that kept us going forward.
Not really sure where we stand right now. Somewhere between a hiatus and a comatose, but well, crisis is also opportunity.
We started developing personal projects, my most important being a Bolivian Record Label with it`s own local, national and worldwide distribution. Both physical and digital.  :ninja:
The goal of the label is that in some time when it`s fully stablished, if anyone in the world (ever) decides that he wants to listen Bolivian classical/folk/rock/jazz, that is the place to go.
I already have about 5 albums produced by myself (not counting galvorn) for the catalogue, and we expect to sign licence and distribution deals with all major bands and artists from Bolivia. And in the near future, start signing distribution for Bolivian films globally.

That way we not only will have better distribution nationally and better production oportunities (my recording studio will play a very important role). But also we will be able to reach the millions of Bolivians who are in Argentina, Brazil, USA, Spain, UK...etc
People who misses their roots but have no chances whatsoever to get in touch with their cultural backgrounds. Until Super-Man(olo) came down from the sky.

So well, if Galvorn took me a lot of time back in tha dayz, you can imagine how I'm dealing with a record label. And it`s even 3 months away from the official launch.
Maybe a year from now when the label is operational and working with its own staff, I will get some resamblance of a normal life back, but until them I need 35 hours per day, so I`m not sure how often I will be back, but if that`s ok with the Clan of the Mods, I could post every once in a while some of my recordings or ideas for the label into the Inner Circle for you to check out, and to get some feedback too ;D Or have a nice talk about the current music industry situacion, upon my label is largely based on.

Well, good to see the "very cool Therion community" more alive and kicking than ever!

Pd: Congrats luthien on the Barza Victory!

On Therion chat:
<lololo> this therion band?
<Sephren> Therion who?
<Manolo> band?
<lololo> which play death metal music
<Sephren> never heard of them
<Manolo> I thought it was a country

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Re: Alohaa!
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2010, 09:29:37 pm »
Manolo man, we missed you! Welcome back! :drunk:
Ah, too bad to hear about that issue with Galvorn. What happened to the planned album? :unsure:
But well, it's good to hear about the record label. If you need contacts in Kuwait, I know a few people who can help out :P.
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Offline Markus

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Re: Alohaa!
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 05:27:04 pm »
Hey Manolo,

good to see you again. Welcome back!

Hell, of course it's alright when you post every now and then. The only thing that would not be alright is to never post again. :ninja:

It's a shame about Galvorn, but life goes on and I'm glad to hear you have an even bigger project now. Best of luck, keep us updated and let us know if we can help!

Oh, and keep those secret informations and pre-publications coming! :ninja: :wOOt:



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Offline TheOFFman

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Re: Alohaa!
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2010, 11:04:56 am »
For those who asked about it, I regret to announce to all Galvorn fans (if any left) that it is no longer my first priority, nor it will be anymore.

Too bad, I really really liked your Legado De Oscuridad demo album, I really think you have big potential.[/quote]

Maybe a year from now when the label is operational and working with its own staff, I will get some resamblance of a normal life back, but until them I need 35 hours per day, so I`m not sure how often I will be back, but if that`s ok with the Clan of the Mods, I could post every once in a while some of my recordings or ideas for the label into the Inner Circle for you to check out, and to get some feedback too ;D Or have a nice talk about the current music industry situacion, upon my label is largely based on.

Thanks for coming and informing us. Feel free to come and post when you have time. I'll be glad to read it and I wish you well. Hope you continue with Galvorn one day.