Some explanations of mine

I always use this signature as my personal text. When you see this signature/personal text and this avatar, whatever this guy's name is, it's me

"Tlön, Lemuria, צִיּוֹן, Lisboa, Stockholm, Лю́берцы, Venezia."
By these place names and what they mean to me, introduce myself in a concise way

Tlön: Borges; Universe; create
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius I can't decide if it is my favorite short story, but it influenced me most.
Borges is the writer who did surpass language.
Lemuria: (need any explanation?)Therion; myth
צִיּוֹן: religion; history
Lisboa: Fernando Pessoa; introspect
O Livro do Desassossego one of my favorite books.(I love both of the two Chinese versions

From that I got a new sight of contradictory in spirit.
Stockholm: kent, Nordic music
kent is the first Nordic band I fell in love. And latter I began to adore so many Nordic musicians that I began to learn Swedish

Лю́берцы: reminiscent (maybe some politics)
Knowing this place because of Lube. I like their songs because of this reminiscent feeling which is familiar but wasn't experienced in reality.
The whole Moscow had many other meanings to Chinese in political aspect. And talk about's a bitter issue but can't be avoid to China. State system is something brands a person a whole life time. No matter to think about it or not, everyone is affected.
Venezia: Calvino, memory about hometown
Le città invisibili another favorite book. The first time I read that Marco Polo said, every city he talked about had the pieces of Venice, and Venice is the city he would never talk about. He was afraid of the words would make the memory stiff that finally he would lose his hometown. This part directly impacted my latter writting I think.