Right now, I've a strange feeling, bad feeling. Yesterday I was on a train and, already arriving at home it made a sudden stop, just after the level crossing, lights went off and it lasted a lot until running again. When I went down, I saw police going to the station... so, I imagined what had happened. But I didn't know it for sure until today, when I've seen, not long ago, in the internet newspaper: an 18-years-old boy has been killed by my train. Luckily I was only a passenger, so I didn't saw anything, but now I feel bad... more bad because that level crossing is the most used in my city (yes... damn crossings... when will they dissappear?). Is not known the reason of the accident (if that's an accident), but I know it's not the first case in the same place... The difference, this time, is that I know I was in this train.
I'm sorry, but I had to say it out loud to somebody... Thanks for hearing me!