I'm not sure if that's the right thread, but I didn't want to open a new one. So, let's say I feel WORRIED:
Today, the PISA test results have been announced. That's a test made to 15-years old though the world, about different subjects (Maths and Languages, as far as I know). I'm not surprised to know that Spanish youngsters are below the average, with worse results that previous years... what have scared me is that I've taken a sample test on Maths (
you can try clicking here), and now I know which is the demanded level...
Let's say I'm not fond in Maths, and I've never been. I've always liked more Language. I was very very glad when I said "good bye" to Maths at 16 years-old. And I always had problems with Maths, at least in High School (while I had it as a subject). So, you might expect me having some problem with those questions, after almost 20 years without studying it at school (god, I'm old...), right? Nope. All correct, all ok at first try. I don't see any difficulty, and I don't think you have to know any real Maths... only to have a little of logic!
Are youngs of 15-years old failing those questions? Here and in all the world? I think the World educational system must change now, or there'll be serious problems very soon...

EDIT: I've made more questions from another sample (in Spanish), and I've failed two, which I think are really more difficult. One of them, only 25% of the students have answered correctly, and the second one, only the 2% (I failed because to solve it, you need to calculate the diameter of a circle, and I know it was not difficult, but I don't remember after all those years). But there's still too low level for that age...