Dear Notessomes followers,
we've changed the way we deal with registrations of new members. Unfortunately, this will lead to a bit more spam. We think you ought to know this.
Until now we made a lot of effort about registrations. We deleted all those that were obvious spam. The others received a mail, asking them for a short introduction. Those that replied to that mail within two weeks got approved, the others were finally deleted as well.
That system was wonderful because it really filtered out all the spammers. But it doesn't work anymore because we're getting too many applications now. So what we're doing now is this: Delete all the obvious spammers that are trying to register and approve the possibly real applicants. They can then activate their account and start posting. This way, more spammers get through - but we delete their postings and ban them as soon as we discover them, and this is the only way to deal with > 100 applications per day.
Just so you know.