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Kroatische Poesie auf Deutsch

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--- Quote from: Mystique on November 14, 2010, 10:36:25 pm ---if this makes any sense to you; this is primarily my own subjective view...so if I got too far from the subject, all apologies
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It makes sense and it's not far from the subject, so no worries

--- Quote from: Mystique ---You have a point there. Today everything goes under Art. Art is a creative work of an individual, but the thing is, as you said, not all creative work should be considered art. To shorten my story, art, literature e.g. is something more than everyday colloquial expression, something more than saying "dirty words" to shock others so they'd think you're different, an artist (!), something higher than general view of things, of the world...I know many people would disagree with me, but hey, it's what I believe.
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I offer this as a definition, the latest version born out of talks like this:

Art is a process in which skill and imagination are used in creating intellectually and emotionally stimulating experiences which strive to explain the universe, the world, existence, human existence or any element of the aforementioned.

Or just "the universe or any of the myriad elements that make it up", where "elements", of course, should not be understood as a chemical term :) I'd rather seem redundant than too vague.

This definition differentiates between art as a process and art as a field, where the latter is defined by the former.

Still not sure if it's a good definition. I feel like I'm missing something, but am unsure as to what. Plus, I may be forgetting something that is usually called Art, that I would perceive as such, but is not encompassed by this definition. Hmh. Worth looking in to.

Also, this definition would encompass Therion, and that's something I'd rather avoid :biggrin: Love 'em an' all, but don't see 'em as artists. The level of skill shown in forming these ideas and the sophistication of these ideas, in their case, don't strike me as treading into the realm of Art. Mayhap if I add "skill of the highest order"? Yeah, that's not vague :D

Two things:
1) Shall we concentrate on Art as such, or art in the context of just literature, just music or any other of the fields where it could be found? It seems that a general idea would be best, with examples from every field. Or every field we can think of at any given moment or deem most important :D

2) Art as uniform, or layered? High art/low art?

--- Quote from: Mystique ---I'd love to discuss it more too :)
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Excellent! Now we just have to grab an admin by the hand and put on our best puppy-dog faces ;D


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