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Nice weather, isn't it?

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Dear "neighbours" and far-away friends,

here we have a bit of crazy weather. A week ago (?) we had 35-40 degrees of difference between 2-3 days. I'm not used to have a headache because of weather changes, but that was too much even for me. :(

Apart from that, I'm fine with this weather. I have to wear much more clothes, but I like snow, and I think I've made peace also with coldness. (Thanks to my tile stove, for example.) The temperature goes like between -10 and +5 degrees, after its mood. :wink2: No wind usually, and today we have a bright sunshine. Sometimes we have mist, that I enjoy very much, and a few days ago I could see some mist-spots on the road that I've never seen before - it was fun to catch tiny little clouds near to the ground. :)

Lady Sa'iltu:
Oh, your weather changes really swiftly!!!!
And as for my land, the frost attacks with a new stroke! Today now (noticing that the sun set about 4 hours ago) it's being -22 deg.C.

Wow, that's pretty cold!

Over here all the beautiful snow is thawing. :bawl: But we might get some more cold days soon...




--- Quote from: Luth on January 10, 2010, 09:26:06 am ---
Well, I've heard in London have been a lot of problems because of snow too, with a looot of flight cancellations and delays... What about other countries?

--- End quote ---
Sorry for delayed response (delay not caused by snow  :fish:) - I was in London for much of last week and there were travel problems on the trains as well as with flights.  However by the time I needed to leave London all was ok again.  Much of the snow across the country has now melted, but I believe more is forecast for later this week...

There was plenty of snow around during our London trip, but we all battled the cold with plenty of warming spirits  :drunk:

 * Looks out of the window * ....  :wOOt:
Weather here: nice, warm and cloudless.

Weather here last week: cold, gray, and rainy. There was a lot of snow in the mountains surrounding the city, and now the view of the volcanoes is quiet something! (On the other hand, a few people living of those mountains died frozen, which is more than something sad  :'( )


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