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Therion board game!

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Hey there,

that's a lovely idea. Thank you for updating us, Izraphael!

I like the idea of cooperation in the game and I like the fact that you didn't just go for the 2012 hype but created your setting more imaginatively.

I wonder when the design began. The band members are in their Sitra-Ahra-outfits. Did those outfits inspire the game design or were the two developed together?



turin why turin Ive never been there. when i get to play it ill get lost and Humanity will be DOOMED  :afaid:

@ Markus

1. Yes, the game is set (and will be released) in the year "011" also as a sort of "rebellion" against 2012 :)
Something like: "you're all preparing for the end in 2012? Well, we got a bad new..."
2. The design of the game (rules, gameplay) is almost finished, it is in the phase called "late development". The core rules are definitive, my playtesters are playing a very big amount of test matches with different groups of gamers to be sure that everything is fine, but I won't make any major change to the rules. At this point I may slightly correct the effect of a tile or a card, but that's all :)
The publisher is working feverishly on graphics. Even the box cover you saw will look better than the one in the preview!
There are a lot of things that need a good graphic design: map, rules layout, cards, icons (the game is entirely language-independent: you don't need to read lot of text to play)... the publisher is also working on all materials (tokens, miniatures, playing pieces, and so on). That's not my job, but I'm constantly informed about how the production is proceeding... a game is someway like a puppy, it's nice to see how it grows!
3. The Sitra-Ahra-outfits came before the game. Fortunately, they fit perfectly in the idea of 011, because making a new photo set just for the game should have been really expensive for Scribabs. I think that the plot written by Paolo Vallerga was someway influenced by the pictures, as my game design idea has been influenced by some comics and movies.

@ Jarcs8

Oh, don't be afraid, the 8 Characters in the game - and expecially Captain Snowy - have a good sense of direction, they will help you! :)
Anyway: here there is a nice "report" in english about "the magic of Turin": that can reply to the general question "Why Turin?" :)


Note: sorry for my english... I'm frequently in a hurry and sometimes I make mistakes.

It sound so original and I am really interested how this game will turn out to be. Thanks Izraphael for coming here and telling us all that. I would be great if we could play this game on the meeting we all planning for this year, wouldn't it?!  :D

Back again!

A couple news.

1) The game will be co-produced and distributed in the US by Elfinwerks.
2) On BoardGameGeek News, are online my Designer Diaries: you will find some informations about the making of 011, about gameplay, and about the plot.



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