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Main Forum => Enter the voids of the OT-forum => Topic started by: Luth on December 27, 2010, 11:03:49 pm

Title: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 27, 2010, 11:03:49 pm
Dear friends, I've thought to open the most Christmas-ist topic of all... I am aware that we have some different habits Christmas related, both in Spain and Catalonia. And I've thought... I want to share them, and what it's more important, I want you to share yours!!!! :ninja:

I won't talk about family dinners and Santa Claus gifts, as one way or another, I suppose everyone knows that and applies for themselves. Let's talk about things that are really different (as far as I know).

-First of all, a Spanish tradition, although I'm sure that it is shared in other countries, perhaps not the same way, but similar. I'm talking about the "pesebre" ("crib" in English, according to the translator). Every family (specially if the family has children) has one of them. It's the illustration of Jesus birth with all the animals, shepherds, angels, etc. But I'm sure that Catalan have a more weird tradition. It's called the "caganer" ("the one who shits"), and it represents a sheperd with pants down and... well... yes... shitting. It's usually put in a little hidden part of the "pesebre", but not enough as you cannot see it. Nowadays the figure uses to be somebody important: a politician, a movie character... from all over the world. So, if you have a politician famous enough, be sure there's some "caganer" of him/her!  (little note: I don't know for sure the origin of that tradition, but I've read it comes from the fertility concept, or as a way to desacrate the most sacre image...).

-Another tradition some of you will laugh at... with reason! It's called "Caga-tió". Yes, you can get some of the meaning if you have already read the previous tradition. The translation would be "the shitting tió", where the "Tió" is a log with eyes and mouth, feed the previous days with things like tanguerine peel, who shits gifts for children the Christmas day or the day before. To get the gifts, children get a stick and hit the poor tió while singing a song. After that, they uncover the tió (who had a blanquet or similiar to hide the gifts below) and happily recollect their gifts (Christmas sweets, little toys and similar).

-This one is a Spanish tradition, and has nothing to do with shit... While you're used to Santa Claus (called "Papá Noel" here), who give gifts to children the Christmas day, we have another tradition. The problem is that Santa Claus, as globalization does, is here now as important than the particular tradition, but it's another story... The night of 6th December we have "los tres Reyes Magos" ("Three Wise Men"), the three wizards or wise men that is supposed that followed the Christmas star that lead them to the birth of Jesus. Well, they were three, one with white hair and beard, another with blond hair and beard, and the black one. The three of them travel all over the world to make a lot of gifts to good children who had behaved well that year. But to bad children, they give only coal. Well... good children get coal too, but one made of sugar... As the day of the "Reyes Magos" happens when shcool vacations end, and children like to play with the new toys, most families had changed to Santa Claus or, more usually, have both traditions and children get twice gifts (or two nights with half the presents).

Ok, these are some of the weird or not weird traditions I wanted to share with you. What are yours?

Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Jo Ta Erre on December 28, 2010, 12:03:58 am
Oh yeah!
I know the "caganers". They look very fun.
Here in Basque Country are some things diferent in Christmas too. The most important is the "Olentzero". The "olentzero" is a glutton and drunkard collier that lives in the mountains and goes down to announce the birth of the son of God. He is that gives gifts to children the night of December 24th.
Children usually go dressed as rural people singing christmas songs in couples or small groups asking for money in bars, shops even to homes.
Last friday, while i was working, a group came into the bar I was, and sang two songs...the woman of the bar said that these ones at least sang quite good, not as that came before... :afaid:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lady Sa'iltu on December 28, 2010, 02:43:38 am
We don't celebrate Christmas at all! I guess about 80-85%citizens of my country don't do! Our Christmas takes its place on the 7th of January, after the New Year's Day which is traditionally celebrated like Christmas in the rest of the world.
Santa doesn't visit us (I guess he's too tired after Christmas), but our Father Frost (he is originally a Slavonic (pagan) god. There were the times when he was a damn cruel guy. But nowadays he's very kind and generous) with his lovely grand-daughter Snowmaiden always come to give some presents.
We have a tradition to celebrate it at our places, singing, dancing khorovod (the most important thing).
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 28, 2010, 06:01:45 pm
Oh, yes, I heard about the Olentzero... Catalans like to hit a poor "living" log in order to make it shit gifts; basques, on the contrary, have a "glutton and drunkard collier" as a particular Santa Claus. Who do you think is more crazy? I can't tell you, really!  :evil2:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Markus on December 28, 2010, 06:31:34 pm
Hi folks,

this is an interesting thread. I had no idea about the weird customs in Catalonia and Basque. :blink:

Siren, but that is Christmas, isn't it? It's just on a different day in the Gregorian calendar due to some Orthodox thingy I don't fully understand and that I'm too lazy to look up right now...

[smartass] Laurel&Hardy, are you sure "los tres Reyes Magos" (who were neither kings nor necessarily three) is on the 6th of December? That would be the day of St. Nikolaus, while the arrival of the magoi is celebrated on the 6th of January... :blink: :unsure: [/smartass]

German Christmas customs? Apart from getting drunk on Glühwein on the Weihnachtsmarkt, you mean? Well, there are the Sternsinger ("star singers") - kids dressed up as the three holy Kings (who were neither - well, you know) who go from door to door to sing. when you give a donation for a good cause they bless your house by writing "C+M+B" on the door. That is often interpreted as "Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar", the names of the three who were neither, but afaik it really stands for "Christus Mansionem Benedicat" ("May Christ bless this house").

It's not really much of a custom here in Eastern Germany where most people fervently believe in atheism these days, but the church is trying to revive it.



Mr. Spock
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 28, 2010, 06:35:22 pm
Dear beloved Vulcan :spock:

Of course, where I wrote "December 6" I meant "January 6"  :evil2:

I see that traditions come from hitting poor logs, receiving gifts from drunkards, to drink yourself as much as you can. Yes, I can see the real Christmas spirit here  :insane:

PS. Do not dare to avoid the tabu wordsmy little innocent joke  :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Markus on December 28, 2010, 06:52:36 pm
I see, oh Regina Mea Mala!

Well, here in Germany you get little presents on St. Nikolaus Day. You have to clean your shoes very well and put them out the night before. Nikolaus will come and put in some small presents - if you were a good child, that is. Else you only get a piece of coal or a stone.

Der Weihnachtsmann (Father Christmas) will bring the big presents on Christmas Eve - if you were a good child, that is. Else you only get spanked with his rod, or in hopeless cases he may put you into his sack and carry you away. Epiphany is no day for presents here. In fact, to most people here Christmas time begins with the first advent (do you have that, too?) and ends with the second holiday. [smartass] But actually, Christmas time starts with sunset on Christmas Eve and goes all the way to Epiphany, which just happens to be the time of the Rauhnächte (literally "rough nights", the Twelve Nights), where Wodan is leading the wild hunt. :afaid: [/smartass]



(just kidding you back, my queen :nana:)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 28, 2010, 07:32:22 pm
Some Barça caganers:


A holy caganer  :pop:


Some politician caganers


A logical caganer


And a foreign politician caganer:




Poor Caga Tió:



Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lucy on December 28, 2010, 08:42:26 pm


Luth, I can't believe that those caganers are REAL. :blink: Anyway, the Barca one should show 0-5 instead of 2-6, isn't it? :roll-eyes:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 28, 2010, 08:44:05 pm
They are, Lucy. You can find a caganer of almost any famous person, from the country or outside. It's called "marketing"  :lol3:

And well... yes, this year Barça caganer have to show the 5-0... but this one may be from 2 years ago, when Barça scored 6 goals against Madrid (who only scored 2), in Madrid stadium  :fish:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lady Sa'iltu on December 28, 2010, 11:27:06 pm

Siren, but that is Christmas, isn't it? It's just on a different day in the Gregorian calendar due to some Orthodox thingy I don't fully understand and that I'm too lazy to look up right now...

Nope))). Christmas is on the 7th of January, and the aforesaid is on the 1st. I've just understood one awful thing :o! I don't know what people do in my country on the 7th of January. Maybe they go to church or ... ???....
here, for so many years atheism was the only acceptable religion, everything, what could take a place on Christmas, were replaced to The New Year's Day. Almost to everyone Christmas is just one day among the festive days-off  ;).

It's not really much of a custom here in Eastern Germany where most people fervently believe in atheism these days, but the church is trying to revive it.

Well, almost the same.

And, yeah, if you wish to get something especial from Father Frost, you can write a letter to him with all your wishes and claims))! but don't ask for something too big (a car or a cottage, for example) because I'm almost sure that he can't put it under the New Year Tree  ;).
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Xiquet on December 29, 2010, 04:01:07 pm
Hi guys!

It's a pleasure talk with all of you again...   :biggrin:

I can add another tradition... here in Catalonia it is traditional that the last day of the year, appears "l'home dels nassos" (the nose man).

This mythological man is knowed for to have a number of noses like days left before the end of the year... This man loses a nose each day during the year... and only can see it the last day of the year.

Adults explain to the children that they have to find this man along the town streets... Normaly a small parade is organized and the children can obtain some sweets and some big 'nose'  :nosweat:

Now you know... try to find the man with as many noses as days left to end the year  :drunk:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/calafellvalo/3154073286/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/calafellvalo/3154073286/)

Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Monade on December 29, 2010, 04:40:37 pm
We celebrate X-mas as a global festivel. The young exchange gifts between friends, which group attracted by western culture much.  :lol3:
But it isn't regards as a time to exchange gifts with families or visits. Something to do with generation gap :biggrin:
There has not X-mas holiday in China. So when your posts explode all I can do is to stand envy  :cht:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lady Sa'iltu on December 30, 2010, 02:26:18 am
Hi guys!

It's a pleasure talk with all of you again...   :biggrin:

I can add another tradition... here in Catalonia it is traditional that the last day of the year, appears "l'home dels nassos" (the nose man).

This mythological man is knowed for to have a number of noses like days left before the end of the year... This man loses a nose each day during the year... and only can see it the last day of the year.

Adults explain to the children that they have to find this man along the town streets... Normaly a small parade is organized and the children can obtain some sweets and some big 'nose'  :nosweat:

Now you know... try to find the man with as many noses as days left to end the year  :drunk:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/calafellvalo/3154073286/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/calafellvalo/3154073286/)


I love that)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lucy on December 30, 2010, 08:57:26 am
It's so lovely to read all of your customs. :wub:

Well, our "Hungarian" Christmas is not that different from any other European one. (Maybe Lasse can add something I don't remember.) But I'll write some nice folk tradition of Luca's day, the 13th Decembre. :evil:

On that day the young boys go around in the village, and enter every house. With a special song they wish fertility and abundance to the hosts, who give them fine foods and drinks in return. The boys usually missbeehive and do tricks, and the hosts should tolerate them anyway. :lol:

On Luca's day people plant wheat seeds in a pot. It grows for Christmas, and it's used for foretelling next year's crop, then it's given to ill domestic animals to heal them. :)

On this day one should start to make a chair, a rather simple one, with three legs, and without a back. It should be made exclusively out of wood (9 different kinds), no metal nails. Every day they should do some little part of the process, so the chair should be ready for the midnight mass of Christmas. One should bring the chair to the church, and stand on it during the mass, so he can see who's a witch in the village. :evil: After seeing her, he should run home very fast, and burn the chair immediately. During the running, he should throw poppy seeds behind, so the witches are forced to collect these and they can't catch him. :lol3:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 30, 2010, 10:38:09 am
Lucy, interesting traditions, I may say! Have you ever seen any witch, being in your chair? If you see her, please say hello from me!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Markus on December 30, 2010, 10:49:52 am
Dear Luca,

nine kinds of wood - that sounds very witchy itself.  :evil2:

We have a similar tradition: People cut cherry twigs on Barbara's Day (4th of December, if I'm not mistaken) and put them in a vase in their house so they will bloom for Christmas. :)


Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lucy on December 30, 2010, 11:08:08 am
Nice one, Markus! :wOOt:

Lucy, interesting traditions, I may say! Have you ever seen any witch, being in your chair? If you see her, please say hello from me!  :biggrin:

Of course, Luth, I'll greet her next time in the mirror. :biggrin:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lasse on December 30, 2010, 01:02:20 pm
I recently found this German video in English (talk about ze German äccent... :ninja:), it's another thing that won't be missed from a Hungarian Christmas: the szaloncukor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPlv6ix5VXU)! :)

Luth: Luca won't see any witches - she's the one! :pop:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Luth on December 30, 2010, 01:12:53 pm
Chocolate + orange juice... yummy!!!!  :wOOt:

Of course, Lucy, I was asking for ANOTHER witch. Have you seen any sister, or you don't need any special chair for that?  :fish:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lucy on December 30, 2010, 01:19:06 pm
I have seen a sister witch this November... but unluckily we live very far from each other. We are used to meet only during very special Sabbaths. :wOOt:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: The One on December 30, 2010, 07:17:06 pm
These Muslim guys I live among don't celebrate Christmas.
All they do is they sacrifice a goat/sheep/lamb in Eid Al-Adha and then get gifts to their young, get five days off and go to the mosque.
You do see Christmas trees and everything to celebrate the New Year (except the Chamapagne that is), but no Santa Clauses or anything of the sort.
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Penny lane on December 30, 2010, 07:39:24 pm
In pakistan, there's alot of decorations in shops and those areas plus xmas trees and all. Some candy shops even give away free candy. And also have santa clauses. Also the church bells ring and everything. I dont celebrate xmas but its nice to get into the feel of the celebrations  :)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Persephone on December 30, 2010, 08:47:42 pm
Penny, sorry but seems I missed that - You are from Pakistan? That's so cooooool!!!  :blink:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Penny lane on December 30, 2010, 08:50:27 pm
Yeah I'm from Pakistan  :)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Persephone on December 30, 2010, 08:57:28 pm
It must be very nice country...  :wub:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Penny lane on December 30, 2010, 09:15:10 pm
Not at all  :lol3: but i like that the religious customs are shared publically  :)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Persephone on December 30, 2010, 09:19:34 pm
So You do not have Christmas in Your family?
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Penny lane on December 31, 2010, 08:42:27 am
No, pakistan is a muslim majority country and i happen to be a muslim too but it doesnt stop me from wishing others a good chrismas and even spending it with them  :) :)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Lucy on December 31, 2010, 08:56:29 am
:btfly: Have I already told you how much I LOVE NTSMS? :wub: :hop:

Markus, one CAN'T get enough of PINK. -_- Hell yeah, even on a seemingly metal forum. :lol:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Persephone on December 31, 2010, 10:37:51 am
Oh, so tell us more about Eid al-Adha!!! Please! :) I'd love to hear how does it look like in Pakistan. Sorry for so many question Penny :) I am just curious.
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Markus on December 31, 2010, 10:39:15 am
:btfly: Have I already told you how much I LOVE NTSMS? :wub: :hop:

Markus, one CAN'T get enough of PINK. -_- Hell yeah, even on a seemingly metal forum. :lol:

Yes, we can!  ¬¬  :lol3:

But yeah, NTSMS is lovely beyond lovely!


Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: The One on December 31, 2010, 12:06:53 pm
Well, Eid al-Adha only happened to occur in late November this year :P
Remember the Muslim celebrations run on a lunar calendar, so they're not quite in synch with the calendar we use. :ninja:
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Persephone on December 31, 2010, 12:20:55 pm
I remember Jorge  -_- :D I just think that some stuff can be different in Kuwait and in Pakistan ;)
Title: Re: X-Mas customs in your contry
Post by: Penny lane on December 31, 2010, 03:12:56 pm
Yes like jorge says, all our events run on lunar ways rather than a fixed date. So in Eid ul adha, there's animal slaughter, gift sharing and lots of family gatherings. I like the gift part  :lol3: