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On Deggial and CFR

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The One:
I was actually wondering about "the letter of Cefer" being Deggial's mark.
What exactly are the "letters of Cefer"? I could think of a couple of plausible ideas and they all involve "Cefer" being a mis-pronunciation. In Arabic, there are a pair of words that I can think of that correspond to a somewhat similar transliteration into Latin letters; one is "Sifr", the Arabic word for the number zero, which is the root for our word cipher. Another, more plausible, is the word "Kafir", which literally means "unbeliever" or "heretic".

So, what do you guys think?

It can also be related to "Sefer" like the Sefer Yetzirah. More investigation needed  :ninja:

The One:

--- Quote from: Ignacio on March 04, 2013, 08:39:58 pm ---It can also be related to "Sefer" like the Sefer Yetzirah. More investigation needed  :ninja:

--- End quote ---
"Sefer" is the Hebrew term for book. So essentially, you're claiming Hebrew literacy (existing much earlier than Islam) is the Islamic anti-Christ :P

Not claiming anything. Just thought about the possibility... You are right, been reading about it and there are no connections

I missed this topic somehow  :blink: I promise to pay more attention to it ASAP.


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